April 10, 2012

SixthSense Technology

Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo SixthSense

Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology

February 12, 2012

Michael Gazzaniga: Your Brain is Automatic. You Are Free.

From Big Think

"The way I sum it up is that brains are automatic, but people are free because people are joining the social group and in that group are laws to live by. We can understand brains to the nth degree, but it’s not going to, in any way, interfere with the fact that taking responsibility in a social network is done at that level."

January 17, 2012

The hollow face illusion

The hollow face illusion illustrates the power of what cognitive psychologists call “top-down” (essentially, knowledge-driven) influences on perception. Our statistically salient experience with endless hordes of convex faces in daily life installs a deep expectation of convexness: an expectation that here trumps the many other visual cues that ought to be telling us that what we are seeing is a concave mask.

Do Thrifty Brains Make Better Minds?
By Andy Clark